Thursday, October 14, 2010

Material Design - Land-Art

Yesterday, I had a material design class. This was the fourth time I've been atending this class. During the first three weeks, we have been making some tools from the wood, leaves and anything that can be found in the nature. I find it quite beneficial in terms of improving your creativeness, and of course learning some techniques of hand-made tools so I really enjoyed the first three classes with Peter, our teacher. That's why I am always looking forward to attending the next class.

We were supposed to do land-art ( the art that is created with anything from the nature ) during the class  yesterday. We were five groups including two or three people and each group was assigned with a kind of topic or the context  for the land-art. I was pair with Hatice and our topic was "broken line". Then, we started to walk around to see what we coud do and what would "broken line" mean to us. As soon as we started walking, we saw a small hill of rotten  leaves which were quite incidentally in a kind of line. Then, we thought about our topic and we decided to have a kind of grave - I will explain the reason later. We swept the leaves that were not in the line and we broke the line in the middle. Then, we made the grave which was in the middle of the leaves and we placed two feathers inside. We put some flowers around and we broke a wood and placed it in the middle. When the time was up for the assignment, we couldn't help going on our task because it aroused the feeling of creativeness.

Broken Line - Land-Art

When we were done, we listened each group to explain their land-art. The first one was a kind of ship. This group was assigned with the topic "In between" and they did it very well. When you looked at the ship in between two trees, everything was a kind of in between each other. Then came the two group of "Balance" and "Wonders". It was quite surprising to see that they had the balance of their land art in the air, not on the ground. Their land art was something like triggering the idea of being contradictory,or thinking the opposite way of what everyone can easily think.The other group was also quite successful; they built pyramids from the sand; as their topic was "wonders".

Wonders - Land Art

When it comes to our land-art, we thought about broken line and we decided that this line could symbolize a person's life and the broken line would mean the end of this person's life. That's why we decided to have a grave just in a broken line. Then, it turned out to be two different, imaginary person's "life line"with the contributions of other friends. That was also quite interesting to see that the process of creating the art would never end: I mean people would understand different things from that specific art and it would contribute the art itself.

While we were cooking...

After seeing what all of the groups did, we had some food with Peter and other friends and we played some games. We enjoyed the sunny weather and we had a lot of fun. It was the end of our workshop. Fortunately, we will go on our class after the autumn vacation. I am looking forward to attending this class again.

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